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Roderick Cowan

Board Member

A Bit About Roderick...

Roderick Cowan has contributed for over 30 years to security around the world through his writing, lecturing, speaking at industry conferences and public events, as well as assisting in various Government investigations and corporate research.


He worked as Executive Director for the University of Chicago Project on Security & Threats for three years advancing its public profile and fundraising to the tune of millions of dollars. He also conducted research there into right-wing extremism.


He was a Strategic Advisor to the Dubai-based Emirates Group Security/Edith Cowan University Centre of Aviation and Security Studies (CASS).


Cowan was a Research Fellow with the Research Network for a Secure Australia ( and was convener of its Safeguarding Australia Annual Summit.


For many years he organised and convened the Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL) annual conference.


His research focus has been on communication issues in the security, law enforcement and intelligence context, notably aviation, illicit trade, cyber security and human factors, social media, open-source risk, and communications skills.


He has conducted workshops for and consulted with law enforcement, intelligence agencies, United Nations, NGOs, government entities and corporations in Australia, Middle East, UK and the EU on how digital communications and social media, although providing many benefits, also represents serious threats to governments, business, communities and individuals.


He also regularly teaches communications skills, such media management, interviewing, and effective writing skills.


Cowan is the Writer/Director for the, a collaborative knowledge sharing project, Editor-at-large for Security Solutions magazine, and a founding director of the Australian Security Medals Foundation Inc, a charity recognising bravery and individual contribution to security. He is also a director of the Citizens of Cyber charity,  which brings together cyber-specialists and connects individuals and professional bodies, to support and assist in cyber-education and the development of safer online practices. He Chairman of the Dumfries Partnership Action Group, a SCIO focused on revitalising the the largest town in South West Scotland.


Cowan has written for print media, appeared on national television and radio, and has received two industry awards for excellence for reporting in the security industry.


Prior to his security communications career, he was a police officer in the UK, initially serving in Scotland and then the Metropolitan Police, London.

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